The Greek distribution by strike and expiration is useful for a deeper analysis of option behavior. To get started, select a ticker, for example BTC or ETH, so that we can load the data.
1. The Delta chart helps you see how different strikes and expirations react to changes in the price of the underlying asset. This is important for understanding which option positions are more sensitive to market movements.
2. The Gamma chart helps determine which strikes and expirations will be more volatile and require more frequent rebalancing.
3. The Vega chart helps evaluate how options of different strikes and expirations react to volatility changes. If we expect volatility to increase in the market, we can use the vega chart to select options that react most favorably to changes in volatility.
4. The Theta chart helps to estimate the time decay of option values for different strikes and expirations. This is important for traders who want to profit from time decay and for those who want to minimize losses due to time decay.
5. The Vanna chart shows which options react more strongly to changes in volatility and how their delta will change when the price of the underlying asset changes with volatility.
5. The Charm chart shows which options will lose delta faster over time.
Explaining the aggregated view:
You can choose between an aggregated view of Greeks Charts and an advanced view of Greeks view. The only difference is that the advanced view shows charts across exchanges. By aggregated view, we mean that we group options by strike, expiration and contract type (Deribit, Binance, ByBit, OKX and CoinCall only). To calculate greeks metric, we use the arithmetic mean of the values across all relevant contracts. This approach simplifies the process of analyzing how trader interest is distributed in the options market.
How to change the view:
If you want to analyze Greeks Exposure across exchanges, simply change the view using the "View" button.